Amir Meister's blog

We hate history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:12 AM by amir meister

So my history teacher comes to class.... And he says........

Ok,now i need your undivided attention,
as im going to start my exaggeration,
Im going to teach about the Greek civilization,
(ME)Sir, I have a question,
Why do i suffer from this undeniable tension?,
from the moment you enter the class i prefer to have other conversations,
When you start to teach i'll have delusions,
more hallucinations and some more visions,
Because you speak like a Martian,
and you have no sense of fashion,
History causes confusion,
causes depression,
did i mention,
that his passion,
makes the whole nation,
suffer from hypertension,
and his bloody obsession,
makes me wanna attend any other function,
or even a gay occasion,
i don't mind being a lesbian,
than listening to his crap lesson,
i have a mission!
i'll plan an abduction,
make him suffer an anal abrasion,
i know its a violation,
hopefully that action,
will be an inspiration,
for the world's young nation,
Not to study the F***ing HISTORY education!

WE HATE HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another poem i wrote.....

Bush became famous for ruling America,
Columbus made history thinking some island was India,
Portuguese is said to be a bad example,
why we study,why even try,
if you want to be in history as an example,
then do something stupid and just die,
it is just that simple,
no problems no worries,oh my,
don't worry your time is ample,
so study till you cry,
those bloody history people,
probably don't watch american pie,
their minds are so slow like a distorted turtle,
im not saying this because im a guy,
if you wanna study then your brains will ripple,
you will have to go school and wear tie,
until you become old and your face will wrinkle.

So don't study history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now lets get to serious business,
History is important for us,
There is this old cliche,'Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it'. This is true, those that do not learn history make the same mistakes as others have made in the past.It shows us of the past mistakes that we have made so that we do not do them again. We want to remember what has happened to us and what we have done to people, the hurt and corruption that has become because of our selfish ways.Although war can solve some severe problems, it has extremely harsh consequences not only for the side that loses but for us too and the pain that we inflict on others can come back to haunt us in many years to come. 
We look back on history to see that the wrongs we have done we will hopefully never forget and that the children we have will know of them and see the effect of them.
so study history! At least for SPM if not for the good of mankind.

           study this stupid book!!!!!!!!!!

Written by 'Amir Meister' on the 23rd of December,4.01 am.

The crazy things i did during the hols!

8:44 AM by amir meister

It was the last day of school and obviously the 1st thing i did was burn all my form 4 books!
After that,i went Prangin Mall and watched Madagascar!Prangin Mall is so smelly and for the poor.I hate that place.

Some of crazy things i did during the holiday!

So the holidays started and i was like...''oh my god,two months without creating trouble in school and teasing my friends...Its going to be BORING!!!!!!!!

However,it turned out to be kinda cool and far from being boring.....
School is going to start in about 2 weeks,and im so not ready to start studying all the new syllabus..And talking about studying..Next year is SPM(Stupid Pointless Mind-boggling examination) and im so not ready for it.

So im going to write a post which basically brief all the crazy shit i did during the holidays....

I brought Mariel and Sherynne(hot chicks)all around Penang. After the exhausting day,we went to gurney.Actually i went to gurney,they went.......dunno where the heck they went....haha..It was a fun day though!haha...

Sherynne:Im going to die!
Amir:Dude,it was just a 2 minutes walk!
Mariel:Yeah,lets pose for the camera!
Amir:I love the camera!

Below,Announcing the arrival of Amir.........put your hands up in the ayer!haha...
This is the feeling of being worshipped by two hot chicks.Haha...Pity no red carpet!Amir is in the house check it out.. A to the M to the I to the R..Put your hands up for the Amir!Amir!yeah!


 Spent most of my time in Starbucks Coffee reading books at borders. Awesome way to waste your time... There was once i went with my friend Jeong mark and he poured cinnamon in my coffee. Although he treated me,it tasted awful with cinnamon in it.Imagine ice blended mocha with cinnamon. Crazy shit man!Did i mention i love coffee.I take at least two cups a day and yeah i feel good!

What the heck were they doing???Making weird faces...Im was like so cool in this picture...The truth is,we were suppose to make crazy faces for this shot and basically i was damn blur at that time and just posed normally.....the trying to act cool is Joshua,the sexy chick in white is sherynne and the hot chick in red is Mariel,and the hairy dude is chittesh.

Above was at Ashley's party and we all looked exhausted and wet!
 I also attended 2 beach parties and Ashley's 'barbecue party'.Although i only had 1 piece of Dominos pizza,it was so much fun.Mei yen  was so different from the old bossy self,she didn't wear any spectacles and she was very nice to me,i think. Haha. Ashley never really changed,still the old cool girl i always knew.K-Mei was like running around pouring water all over me.Still the crazy old self.Haha...Ivy was still the nice dude type.Very fit and all.We won the apple competiton because of her,i think.Janice was still small,Sarah was like teasing me all the time.''What is with the pink thingy on your hand,Amir?''She thinks im gay.Haha...Karen and I was like trying to insult each other in an Insulting game.So i had to like make fun of her shorts(what else can i make fun of her?).And i did make some lame jokes trying to insult her and all.I met Sooling.The coolest and funniest girl i have ever talked to so far.Kenneth proposed to Ivy at the party and as usual he got rejected.Its the story of his life.There was this nice girl named Tabitha who offered me cookies(Thanks again).My friend Jeong Mark totally fell for her.Sorry dude,its a blog,i have to write every detail man!Danielle was quiet,didnt really talk to her,but she was nice and cool.Karen was funny and extreme.The other guys were cool but i never really got to know their names.I mean they are guys,so i'll just call them dude,every single one of them!Mei Yen's party was great and it was held at Tanjung Bungah or was it Batu Feringghi.Not very sure!Mei yen's party was so cool and it was 2 weeks after Ashley's party.At Mei Yen's party,Ashley came up yo me said.''Yo dude,you look fatter and taller compared to last 2 weeks,what did you do,swallow 2 chickens??''I wonder what she meant by that,i guess she was trying to say i looked more handsome than before.haha.A week later there was another party there but it was a birthday party.Same place different people.Overnighted at JM's house and we watched football till late night and played some stupid zombie games and served the net.A few of my malay dudes came over to my house to watch football.As usual they will dirty my room and trash my house,but who cares,life is about having fun right?yeah!Went bowling with some friends and as usual i was the best.My score was 107,not bad for a outdoor sportsman.Played pool a million times during the holidays and i didnt lose even once.Lost to Mark twice because i hit the black ball in the hole.Its not counted though!haha.I also took my 'undang' for my driving license sometime during the holidays.I had to sit and listen to the bugger talk for 8 'hours and trust me i slept the whole time. Surprisingly,he is even more boring than my History teacher in school.My History teacher is so boring that even he falls asleep while listening to himself reading the bloody history book.Talking about History,i feel that history is such a pointless subject to learn.My next blog will be about HISTORY.

I'll update more later.I have to go see Hannah Montana show on tv.Its so late now.And i need to get some sleep.So don't worry,there is still much more to come!

Check it out from the Meister..........!


Same sex marriage is the same as straight marriage!

4:31 AM by amir meister

Hello straight people,gays,lesbians,confused dude,confused girl,gays wannabe,lesbians wannabe, and everybody!

First and foremost,I(amir meister) would want to propose that i am not gay and i personally do not support same sex marriage,but for these couple of minutes writing this blog i'll make an exception.

So,is it the same?same sex marriage and straight marriage?

I say Yes,its the same thing(marriage is the joining of two entities,it is not stated that the sex must be different)
For me it is the same because................

Same emotional reasons for wanting it.
Same legal reasons for wanting it.
So they can't conceive their own children together.
So what?Go adopt or something!no one is stopping you.
Neither can infertile couples, or couples that have a post-
menopausal woman as one of the partners. What about
those couples who choose not to procreate? Do these 
couples still placed on the same value as gays or lesbians marriage just because they cant give birth?
Marriage has never been exclusively about children, and
with our modern-day mixed families and couples who end
up re-marrying later in life, it never will be. If it was about
procreation, we would have dealt with all the instances of
childless couples long ago.

Its love and if they love each other it is no different than a man a woman who love each other. I don't see how anyone can actually say its wrong! How is love wrong? Im not gay but i hate prejudice bigots which are taking their rights away.Marriage is the joining of two or more entities.So what if the sexual organ is different?i don't see any problem with it.How would you like being told who can or can't marry?I feel that we should have all the rights to marry whoever we want or whatever we want.Im marrying miley cyrus by the way.

If our government support same sex marriage then it will better for all of us.
If gay marriage and lesbian marriage is allowed then we malaysians will not suffer from overpopulation.Look at India.According to our geography text book in form 3.It is stated that the countries suffering from overpopulation is because of the over-used or over consumption of our minerals.Well it is bullshit.So,the only way to solve this problem is by allowing same sex marriage! I have heard that in China,every family can only have two children the most.The extra one will be killed or something.I'm not very sure but if it is true,why not they just allow same sex marriage?

Oh my gosh,human beings are so getting stupider by the day.....

so people,go gay around or lesbian have my vote!

p.s.(i had nothing to do today,so thats why im writing this post!I am not gay) You rock faggots!

P.F.S....... the bloody acronym stands for whatever you like it to be!

5:04 AM by amir meister


Penang Free School!more commonly known as PFS...For us frees students,the acronym PFS can describe a million phrases . I could have sworn hearing the principle,MR.Ram mentioning something about PFS being a cluster school.Even if it is a cluster school,trust me there isn't any difference with the previous non-cluster PFS! By the way,what is a cluster school?

I love my school no matter whatever they say about this school.I mean just imagine being able to ditch class and trust me,you will so NOT get in trouble.In a school this huge,no asshole prefects or the teachers will be able to locate you.And if your luck is somehow running short and you eventually get caught,there are always excuses you can give such as....

-got lost trying to return to class(get what i mean,its huge,anything can happen)

Im not sure whether my teachers have blogs or not so i'm not going to write anything about them.If you still wanna know then gimme a call.The things i can tell you about my teachers will make you puke in your pants. They are so god damn pathetic!


Me ditching school for some group studying(yea right)!
Occasionally, my school will organize some stupid function or have some stupid presentation by the PFS band. Come on dudes,we hear you playing our national anthem every wednesday so why do we need to see you guys performing on stage every now and then.So,this is the time you will require some useful skills to prioritize your life schedule. Instead of attending these functions and all, going MC'd will certainly do you good.

Why censor nudity and vulgar words! Its balderdash!

4:50 AM by amir meister

yo people! I would certainly admit that i have sworn before at least once in my life and i am pretty much sure that more than 90% of us human beings  have sworn at least once in our lifetime. The remaining 10% are those dumb people who cant talk.

In my opinion,we should not censor any vulgar word as i believe in the freedom of speaking. Fellow readers, a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet, even if we called a rose SHIT it would smell just as good, so what difference do the words make. I believe that statements that convey racism and hatred should be censored rather than censoring harmless vulgar words. Besides,a few things I can think of is censoring things that would be an invasion of privacy, like the name of an abused child, or what would offend people like blasphemy and strong sexual references or racist terms


I think the world is just trying to prolong the inevitable by censoring. All they are doing is keeping our eyes from seeing it but we all know that we will eventually figure out what they are hiding so What is the point? I think its pointless no not just because im a guy and i wanna see boobs but because even when they cover it up we still know what they look like so i don't see what the point is, if someone who does not like nudity then just dont watch porn!
Sex is beautiful life giving orgasmic glory but violence is bloody stupid. Then why do we tend to censor sex but not violence?Talking about porn. Our parents,the government,school,tend to censor pornography from us growing students.I feel that they are probably suffering from some fatal disease because you cant stop us from watching nudity materials. Even if they manage to do so,or at least think they succeed,how do they draw the line between nudity and pornography?In Europe,people pay money to watch actor and actresses perform plays that contain nudity. There was this play where daniel radcliffe had to perform a nude play with a nude horse.So how do they know what to censor and what NOT to.To one it may seem like it is porn,but yo another it may seem as a nice beautiful piece of art.So how are they going to solve this problem?censor nudity but not nudity in the form of art. How do even know the difference??Psychic??I don't think so.
As i always say,one man's shit is another man's organic fertilizer. 

.Its weird that yahoo,msn and all these search engines sensor the word 'masturbate'. I mean it is a totally fine word for me so i do not get the reason why they censor this word.If you think about it,however much you sensor these words,we will eventually find an alternative word to describe the same meaning. Masturbating can be said as rubbing yourself.I have seen one of the famous American pie series an they refer masturbation as stroking salami,God knows why.
i feel that there is nothing wrong with this word and they should have a competition instead of making a big deal out of this harmless word. Masturbate-a-thon. I'm just kidding. So there is no need for anyone to censor any words because we are indeed very rich in the english vocabulary and we can substitute one word for another. That reminds me,some medias also censor the word bitch.Isn't this word a real term for a female dog. Why censor bitch and not censor female dog?

Adding to this,we are not allowed to take pictures of breast or see boobs.Im sure i'll get myself in deep shit if i am caught watching these stuff. Think about this. Why is it okay for the media to show man-boobs but not female boobs. And why do they censor girls boobs even if they do not have boobs. And why do they allow national geographic to present these stuff. Isn't it weird that we are allowed to look at the tribewomens' boobs but not the blondes'? So future leaders of the world,make changes to this world as you all grow up.We do not want to live dumb like the current generation. That is all pervert readers!i shall end my post with a quote by the world most famous dude,ME!...
Nudity is not bad,after all you weren't born with clothes.