First and foremost,I(amir meister) would want to propose that i am not gay and i personally do not support same sex marriage,but for these couple of minutes writing this blog i'll make an exception.
So,is it the same?same sex marriage and straight marriage?
I say Yes,its the same thing(marriage is the joining of two entities,it is not stated that the sex must be different)
For me it is the same because................
For me it is the same because................
Same emotional reasons for wanting it.
Same legal reasons for wanting it.
So they can't conceive their own children together.
So what?Go adopt or something!no one is stopping you.
Neither can infertile couples, or couples that have a post-
menopausal woman as one of the partners. What about
those couples who choose not to procreate? Do these
couples still placed on the same value as gays or lesbians marriage just because they cant give birth?
Marriage has never been exclusively about children, and
with our modern-day mixed families and couples who end
up re-marrying later in life, it never will be. If it was about
procreation, we would have dealt with all the instances of
childless couples long ago.
Its love and if they love each other it is no different than a man a woman who love each other. I don't see how anyone can actually say its wrong! How is love wrong? Im not gay but i hate prejudice bigots which are taking their rights away.Marriage is the joining of two or more entities.So what if the sexual organ is different?i don't see any problem with it.How would you like being told who can or can't marry?I feel that we should have all the rights to marry whoever we want or whatever we want.Im marrying miley cyrus by the way.
If our government support same sex marriage then it will better for all of us.
If gay marriage and lesbian marriage is allowed then we malaysians will not suffer from overpopulation.Look at India.According to our geography text book in form 3.It is stated that the countries suffering from overpopulation is because of the over-used or over consumption of our minerals.Well it is bullshit.So,the only way to solve this problem is by allowing same sex marriage! I have heard that in China,every family can only have two children the most.The extra one will be killed or something.I'm not very sure but if it is true,why not they just allow same sex marriage?
Oh my gosh,human beings are so getting stupider by the day.....
so people,go gay around or lesbian have my vote!
p.s.(i had nothing to do today,so thats why im writing this post!I am not gay) You rock faggots!
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